Public Service List

  1. Standard check-in.
  2. Exempt check-in.
  3. Renewal check-in
  4. Damaged check-in.
  5. Recognize and route transit request.
  6. Recognize and route branch hold.
  7. Checkout with a library card.
  8. Checkout without a library card.
  9. Find borrower in Horizon.
  10. Find self-registered borrower.
  11. Print list of newly checked out items (when checking out using Horizon).
  12. Access "All Items Out" window.
  13. Print list of all patron's currently checked out items.
  14. At CKO screen, access Blocks and then return to CKO.
  15. In Horizon, "Renew All" and renew specific items.
  16. Interlibrary Loans - describe procedures and policies.
  17. Edit item to change the due date.
  18. Change item status to Lost in a patron account.
  19. Change item status to Claim Returned.
  20. Recognize staff-added block messages.
  21. Recognize system block messages.
  22. Recognize/use Privacy-Family permission block.
  23. Access the Block Detail Window.
  24. Add a comment to an existing block.
  25. Delete a block.
  26. Delete multiple blocks.
  27. Access History from block screen.
  28. Access history - patron has no blocks.
  29. Access payment history.
  30. Recognize fine/fee types.
  31. Accept cash payment using the STS.
  32. Accept check payment using the STS.
  33. Accept credit card payment using the STS.
  34. Assist patrons with credit card payments on self-check.
  35. Describe credit card payment limitations.
  36. Issue a waiver through Horizon.
  37. Process a refund under $30.00 through the STS.
  38. Process a refund over $30.00.
  39. Recognize when an account needs to be referred to a supervisor.
  40. Explain limitations in getting a library card.  For example, if the patron is under 14, has no proof of address and/or no photo ID, etc.
  41. Issue a permanent library card.
  42. Issue a temporary card without proof of address.
  43. Explain privacy waiver.
  44. Replace lost card.
  45. Update patron information.
  46. Change patron's notification type in their record.
  47. Search by General Keyword in Horizon.
  48. Search by Title Browse in Horizon.
  49. Search by Author Browse in Horizon.
  50. Perform a barcode search in Horizon.
  51. Recognize item type.
  52. Recognize item status.
  53. Access Detail Status window in Horizon.
  54. Access a previous search in Horizon.
  55. Restrict a search in Horizon.
  56. Search by General Keyword in VuFind.
  57. Search by Title in VuFind.
  58. Search by Author in VuFind.
  59. Refine search results list in VuFind.
  60. Assist patrons with account management through VuFind.
  61. Assist patrons with eContent management through VuFind.
  62. Navigate and describe key aspects of the teen website.
  63. Navigate and describe key aspects of the children's website.
  64. Share information about Every Child Ready to Read skills using the storytime website.
  65. Place a standard request in VuFind or Horizon.
  66. Place This Copy Only request in Horizon.
  67. Checkout hold to borrower.
  68. Access borrower's requests in both Horizon and VuFind.
  69. Identify borrower's queue position whether using Horizon or VuFind.
  70. Reorder queue when appropriate.
  71. Identify the status of a request.
  72. Delete request from borrower's request list.
  73. Change pick-up location of a request.
  74. Suspend/unsuspend a request.
  75. Change pick-up location of a filled hold.
  76. Edit expiration date of filled hold.
  77. Cancel a hold.
  78. Restart Self-Check software.
  79. View meeting room calendar on DCL website.
  80. Book a meeting room through the DCL website.
  81. View study room calendar on DCL website.
  82. Book a study room through the DCL website.
  83. View the program calendar on the DCL website.
  84. Register a patron for a program through the DCL website.

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