Friday, January 25, 2013

Refunds (updated)

The refund procedures have been updated by Molly, of TechSquad and ROX fame!

You may also find the full refund procedures document in the G-Drive, ALL STAFF ACCESS, STS-POS.

A few things of note for refunds over $30:

- the Returned Item Voucher can now be sent in to the business office by the individual filling out the form
- a comment should be added to the credit block in the patron's account by the individual sending in the Returned Item Voucher
- CAP and LT public service staff should hand the branch copy of the Returned Item Voucher to Lori after they have sent a copy to the business office; she will retain the form until the matter is resolved

Refund Procedures

Under $30:
When an item that has been paid for is checked in, it generates a credit on the patron’s account.  You can resolve the issue through the STS with the following steps:

1.       Access the patron’s account from the ILS payment option in STS.

2.      View the amount to be credited (it will show as a negative amount).

3.      Choose the line with the credit and click continue.

4.      Choose checkout and then cash and pay the amount indicated.

5.      If a refund slip pop-up appears, you do not need to fill it out, just click close.

6.      Give patron the amount shown in the change box.

Note: If there are both fines and a credit on the account, choose select all from the patron data screen and click continue. At checkout the amounts will be reconciled and you can accept payment or give a refund as indicated.

Over $30:
For amounts over $30 you’ll need to go through the business office.

1.      Inform the patron that a check for the amount will arrive within a month by mail from DCL and verify the patron’s street address. 

2.      Fill out a Returned Item Voucher (form is available in staff exchange or at branch in designated location). A supervisor’s signature is not required.

3.      Fax or send (interoffice mail) the form to Valerie Cox in the business office. Her fax number is 303-688-7655.  Make a copy for your branch records if you're sending the original form by courier.

4.      In Horizon access the patron’s block screen, select the credit block, highlight the credit line, and add a comment: voucher sent to DCL Admin, initials@branch

5.      Keep the branch copy of the voucher form in the branch designated location until matter is resolved (for LT and CAP, these copies will be kept by the Operations Supervisor).

6.      The business office will notify the contact center when the check goes out so that the patron account can be updated in Horizon.

STS Returns
If you need to reimburse a patron for coin box errors or book sale items bought and returned the same day, this is done as a return in STS.

1.      Select Return (F5) from the bottom toolbar.

2.      Select an item from the SKU menu (above); for example, B&W printout.

3.      Change the quantity if necessary.

4.      Proceed to checkout (F3) and choose cash.

5.      Give patron the amount shown in the change box.